Rule # 1 – Every thought or Idea causes a physical reaction.
Your thought can affect all of the functions of your body. Worry thoughts trigger changes in the stomach that in time can lead ulcers. Anger thoughts stimulate your adrenal glands and increased adrenaline in the blood stream causes many body changes. Anxiety and Fear thoughts affect your pulse rate.
Rule #2 – What is expected tends to be Realized.
The brain and the nervous system respond only to mental images. It does not matter if the image is self-induced or from the external world. The mental image formed becomes the blueprint, and the subconscious mind uses every means at its disposal to carry out the plan.
Worry is a form of programming a picture of what we don’t want, but the subconscious mind acts to fulfill the pictured situation. “ The things that I have feared have come upon me”.
Rule #3 – Imagination is more powerful than knowledge when dealing with your own mind or the mind of another.
This is an important rule to remember when using self-hypnosis. Reason is easily overruled by Imagination.
Rule #4 – Once an idea that has been accepted by the subconscious mind, It Remains until it is replaced by another idea. The companion rule to this is, The longer the idea remains, the more opposition there is to replacing it with a new idea.
Once an idea has been accepted, it tends to become a fixed habit of thinking. This is how habits of action are formed, both good and bad.
Rule # 5 – Each Suggestion acted upon creates less opposition to successive suggestion.
In other words, once a self-suggestion has been accepted by your subconscious mind it becomes easier for additional suggestions to be accepted and acted upon.
A mental habit is easier to follow the longer it last unbroken. Once a habit is formed it becomes easier to follow and more difficult to break.
Rule # 6 – An Emotionally induced symptom tends to cause organic change if persisted in long enough.
It has been acknowledged by many reputable medical men that more than seventy percent of human ailments are functional rather than Organic.
Rule #7 – When dealing with the subconscious mind and it’s functions, the Greater the Conscious effort, the less the Subconscious response.
This proves why “will power” doesn’t really exist! If you have insomnia, you’ve learned “the harder you try to go to sleep, the more wide awake you become”.
The rule is, “when dealing with the subconscious mind, TAKE IT EASY”.
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