What You Focus On, You Attract
The reason this is true is simple, even though we are not consciously aware of it, we live in a sea of vibrating energy that is ever responsive to how and what we think.
As a specially trained hypnotherapist, I use guided imagery to focus and direct your imagination. One of the most effective tool is visualization. Visualization properly used, is simply a form of mental rehearsal. It directs your thoughts and energy toward manifesting your goals.
While in this relaxed state, you create images in your mind of having or doing whatever it is you desire. You practice visualizing the desired state over and over again. I recommend to my clients that they practice this technique for five minutes each day. In your five-minute practice, you use your imagination to see yourself already:
Whatever goals you wish to manifest, the key to remember is to always visualize that you have ALREADY achieved the desired result. What does that look like, what does it feel like? How will your life be different now that you have this desired outcome? This is the mental mindset.
The visualization exercise also engages all the senses. You “live and feel it” as if it is happening to you NOW. Knowing on some level this is just a mental exercise, there is an important truth to keep in mind. The subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. Your subconscious will act upon the images you create, regardless of whether those images reflect your current reality or not.
You are the creator of your own reality.
I use this time to help determine what the presenting issues are and to both agree on the best approach going forward.